Drinking alcoholic beverages beyond one's capacity to the point of intoxication is a risky behaviour in which most young people get involved at some time. In a survey conducted by the University of the Philippines in 1994, 60 per cent or 5.3 million Filipino youths are said to be drinking alcoholic beverages. About 4.2 million of them are males and 1.1 ...
million are females. The study stated that most of the Filipino teenagers have tried cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. In fact, there are more alcoholic drinkers than smokers.

On the average, Filipino youths start drinking alcohol at the age of 16 or 17. However, there are also many cases when children as young as 12 years old are already drinking alcoholic beverages. About 37 per cent of the respondents in the survey have continued the habit of drinking alcohol while 33 per cent said they only drink alcoholic beverages on special occasions. Some 17 per cent said they have already decided to stop the vice of drinking.

In the Philippines, drinking is more acceptable among girls than smoking. Nevertheless, it is still the case that it is considered more appropriate for men than for women to drink. Parents are more lax with boys, giving them more freedom to drink alcohol than their sisters.

The teenagers said their family, friends, and the mass media have influenced them to experiment with drinking alcohol. Underscoring the critical role that the family plays in youth behaviours, young people seem to take their cue from their own parents' attitudes and behaviour. Thus, a boy who grows up with an alcoholic father is more likely to become one himself.

The study indicated that those who are more likely to drink are those:

-who are not living with parents (for example, college students living in dormitories)
-whose parents approve of drinking
-who frequently attends social gatherings
-who enjoy going out to parties, bars and discos
-who do not take part in sports activities

Crime and Violence

Greater alcohol availability is associated with greater consumption and a greater number of problems.

A number of cases of sexual and drug abuse, suicide and violence among Filipinos have been caused by habitual drunkenness or alcohol intoxication. The Philippine General Hospital considers patients with blood alcohol levels of 0.05 per cent (50 mg/100 ml) to be medically intoxicated.


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